Cheam & Cuddington Horticultural Society Est.1893
Our Society has been active in the area since its formation in 1893. It has a long and prestigious history and has always maintained close ties with our local community.
The object of the Society is the promotion, advancement and enjoyment of horticulture and gardening.
We pride ourselves on being a friendly Society. If you need advice on growing plants or vegetables you are likely to find members who will be only too happy to give you some advice.
The Society holds two Shows a year,four informal Evening Meetings with guest speakers and an Annual Quiz.
Our shows take place in July and September, at St Dunstan's Primary School. for Flower, Vegetable, Fruit and Domestic classes. With seperate classes for Children.
You can see photos taken from our previous shows in the above "Show Gallery" tab.
We publish four newsletters during the year, keeping members up to date with events and often incorporating useful gardening advice and information. You can view current and previous editions of these newsletters in the above "Newsletters" tab.
There is no need to own a large garden, or grow rarities to enter our Shows. As we encourage all our members to enter in the shows.
If you enjoy growing your own food or gardening, then do please consider joining our Society. It is only £3.50 for a single person or £6.00 for a couple for the year. You can join us via this site, in the above "Join Us" tab.

Next Evening Meeting
Don't forget to mark your diary for our next evening meeting.
Its on Weds 16th April at 8.00pm
at St Christopher's Church Hall, Dallas Road, Cheam, SM3 8RU.
Penny Brougham & Aimee Blumsom will give a talk on Preserving by Fermentation & Sourdough for Beginners.
Click on the above "Event Diary" TAB to see all our important dates for 2025.

Changes to the 2024 schedule.
As most of you will know every year we review the schedule to make sure that we’re capturing
your preferences.
We were advised by one of our floral judges, that floral exhibits should be shown in 5’s rather
than 6’s. So we have made changes where appropriate.
With regard to vegetables, we have followed the lead of the NVS, in that carrot, beetroot,
parsnip and other root vegetables do not need to have their stems tied. The tops of onions and shallots should still be tied, preferably with raffia.

Cheam Charter Fair
Sat 17th May 2025 9am-2pm
The Cheam Charter Fair is the Socities biggest fund raiser of the year. The monies we raise from it goes a long way towards our yearly running costs.
We ask our members who are getting ready to start their growing season, to please bear the Society in mind. If you could plant a few extra seeds or plugs for our sales table. We will welcome any plant donations you could give to us, whether they are Vegetable, Flower or Fruit seedlings. If you can grow it we can sell it.

Facebook Page
For the info of our members, are you aware that the Society has a Facebook page at :-
Or click on the Facebook Icon (f) at the top of the page.
You will of course need to have a Facebook account to access this site.
Just 'Like' the page and then you can comment on our posts.
Once you have 'Liked' us, you can always mention us in your own posts. (especially if you are taking photos that are horticultural-based) by typing @ and the option to type cheamandcuddington or cheamccs will appear. Click on it and that will help our Facebook profile.
Lauren, who has just taken over as administrator of our Facebook page, is in the process of starting to add posts and information.

WhatsApp Group.
A refresh information for our members who may not be aware of our societies WhatsApp Group yet and would like to join. This is a great place for our Society to share information, photos etc as well as to seek guidance.
You can join by clicking this link:
This will take you to the invitation page, from which just need to accept the invite.
If you have any problems the just send an email to Lauren at

Untangling our Long, Local History – Can You Help?
Cheam & Cuddington Horticultural Society has a long and prestigious history and has always maintained close ties with the local community. We are in the process of putting together as much information as possible about our history. Members old and new, and their families, often find awards, trophies, photos, memories and memorabilia from the Society. We would certainly appreciate it if you or your family could help us.
We have published several articles on our history in our Newsletter over the past years. Special thanks to Richard Bailey and Linda Scanlon who contributed to these articles. We have now gathered them together. You can find them by clicking on the History tab in the menu above.